4pc Fanciest c1858 Antique Armorial Sterling Repousse tea set. No bends or<br>detectable dents, every piece stands straight with no wobbles or bent feet. All<br>hinges functional with no wobble. This is a way over the top set, even for the<br>period it was made it is top in it's class. Each piece bearing the armorial<br>crest shown with spouts matching the crest. Amazing handmade work of art that<br>likely spent time in a castle at one point.<br><br>Tea Pot: ~7-1/2" x 10-1/8" x 6-5/8" --808.7 grams<br>Coffee Pot: ~9-7/8" x 9" x 6-1/3" --800.4 grams<br>Creamer: ~6" x 5" x 4" --297.8 grams<br>Oversized Sugar/waste bowl: ~5-7/8" x 7-3/4" x 6" -- 460.2 grams.<br><br>2367.1 grams total weight or 5.21856221 Pounds