New Coenzyme Q10 100mg Gph Capsules 120 pcs

Energy supplier, radical scavenger, stabilizer and heart miracle in one

COENZYM Q-10 capsules are not only ideal energy suppliers, they also take on important protective functions for the body.

Energy supplier: Since the human body only works optimally when it has enough energy and coenzyme Q-10 is the most important substance in the cell's energy production, the body must always have enough available.

Radical scavenger: The cell is also protected from free radicals protected. High levels of physical and mental stress, an unbalanced diet and negative environmental influences promote the formation of free radicals. They damage the cells and are thus involved in the development of many diseases. Coenzyme Q-10 can render free radicals harmless.

Stabilizer: Coenzyme Q-10 stabilizes cell walls and thus ensures permeability for vital substances.

Heart miracle: Coenzyme Q-10 is particularly good for the heart important. It occurs mainly in tissues where a lot of energy is consumed. The heart, as an intensively working organ, needs a lot of energy and protection against radicals.

Error in nutrition, destroyed coenzyme Q-10, with preserved food, as well as disturbances in the body's own synthesis can lead to a lack of coenzyme Q -10 lead. From the age of 40, the body's own Q-10 production also decreases and a lack of various vitamins can also impair it. In these cases, a daily supply of coenzyme Q-10 supplements the diet.

Nutritional supplements can increase energy production, support the body's defenses and increase performance.

For competitive athletes too and people suffering from Parkinson's disease, dental diseases, migraines or muscular dystrophies, a dietary supplement with coenzyme Q-10 has proven itself.