Biocarn syrup
supports the supply of the muscles
Biocarn contains levocarnitine: a substance that the body needs to supply energy to the skeletal and cardiac muscles.
The energy that the muscles need to function is obtained from long-chain fatty acids in the power plants of the cells (mitochondria).
L-carnitine ensures that these fatty acids reach the power plants and can be used to generate energy. Carnitine is not used up in the process, but instead transports the waste products of energy metabolism away again.
If there is not enough L-carnitine available in the tissue, the fatty acids are stored unused, the body lacks energy - and without energy the muscles tire more quickly.
If the carnitine deficiency persists over a longer period of time, muscle weakness and muscle atrophy can result. The cause of this can be nutrient deficiencies, increased strain or even a muscle disease.
Through a better supply of levocarnitine, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of muscle weakness and muscle atrophy in the case of a carnitine deficiency.
Biocarn can make a valuable contribution here.
The most important areas of application for Biocarn are: Compensation for carnitine deficiency, for example due to
vegetarian diet,
increased physical exertion,
artificial (parental) nutrition
age-related undersupply of nutrients
Treatment of primary carnitine deficiency when the body cannot produce carnitine itself due to genetic defects
Compensation for carnitine losses due to medication or after dialysis
Supplement for the treatment of muscular dystrophy to alleviate symptoms and slow the progression of the disease
Biocarn. Active ingredient: 1 g levocarnitine/3.3 ml syrup. Areas of application: For substitution in primary and secondary systemic carnitine deficiency, As a treatment attempt for special forms of muscular dystrophy (muscle wasting) with lipid accumulation (fat accumulation) that are based on a primary muscular carnitine deficiency, To supplement treatment for progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy, provided that functioning skeletal muscles are still present, To replace dialysis-related levocarnitine losses under chronic hemodialysis. For risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist. Status: 02/2022. MEDICE Arzneimittel, 58638 Iserlohn.