Accepting Shadow Self 
We all have traits that we’re proud of, and traits that we don’t feel so confident about. Some of these traits may trigger or embarrass us, so we hide them from public view. These parts make up your shadow self, and it longs to be heard. 
However, it’s not always easy to come to terms with our shadow selves. Many people tend to repress those hidden parts of themselves to avoid having to confront that darker side. Even though the shadow still exists, it gets pushed back and forgotten.
But repressing your inner shadow can have dangerous consequences. Most often, the shadow manifests as our triggers — emotional reactions that we haven’t fully dealt with, but bubble up to the surface under the right (wrong) circumstances. This spell will help you face your shadow self in a healthy way.
This is exactly why this activation will assist. It will help you integrate and accept every single part of yourself so that you can live and thrive with more clarity and authenticity. 
Your shadow side can have a negative impact on your well-being when you ignore or reject it and this spell will help you accept this side of yourself. This part of yourself craves to be understood and explored. This is because it was ignored and possibly shamed throughout your life. Even if it was less dramatic, we don’t feel mentally and emotionally at our best when our shadow is not integrated into ourselves, which is to say — when the shadow and self are far apart. 
With this spell to accept your shadow self, you can start to see how your thoughts and emotions influence your behavior. When this activation aligns you can take control and empower yourself to live life more deliberately and consciously. You can start to show up as your authentic self.