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Product description: Schedule Period: December 27, 2023 (Wednesday) 12:00 - February 8, 2024 (Thurch) 13:00 *Sale after the end of the order period, we are not determined to be at the current time. Specialized tactical mover for land riding in new colors and new heads! The front of the machine consists of a 4 wheel vehicle! The rear of the machine acts as a 6-wheel roller running unit. Equipped with missiles that boast the longest length in the series. Includes 1 Diaclone Trooper Ver. 2.0 ■ Fully transformed into 3 modes: Vehicle mode (Machine mode), Heavy Mobility Mech Mode, Humanized Combat Mode, Full transformation with simple and dynamic mechanism. You can also configure vehicle only with units excluding frames. ■ Total height of 4.0 inches (10 cm) body with concentrated essence of diaclone. The total height in the human combat mode is easy to play and is perfect for collecting about 3.9 inches (10 cm). The value of figures is full, such as boarding, transformation, combination, and customization. A highly functional body that incorporates new gimmicks and concentrated essence of the current diaclone. The "Tactical Mover Series" is a new series that can be called "HARD-DIACLONE", which is one of the essence of the diacron line with various aspects of the diaclone line. The elements such as the world view, the time axis, and the invasion of the opposite forces are identical and parallel to the existing diaclone line, and the synergistic effect of the two lines will create a diaclone world with greater depth and depth. Copyright TOMY