Lithops bonsai Living Stones Flower Succulent Cactus Rare Succulent Flower Mini Cactus Seeds Rare Succulent Seeds Fast grow US Quantity: 15-25 seeds per pack
Germination time: 35-55 Days
For germination temperature: 28-32 Celsius
Packing: OPP simple packaging
How to plant succulent seeds
Since succulent seeds are so small, make sure you are very careful to have clean hands and a clean workspace before planting. Start by filling your tray or container with soil.
Completely wipe down your potting area and your hands after working with the soil before you open your seeds.
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With clean hands, carefully remove the seeds from the pouch and place them on top of the soil. Again, the seeds are extremely small so it may be difficult to tell where your seeds have been placed on the soil.
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Watering and Care of Succulent Seeds
Succulent seeds need light to germinate. They also need constant access to water.
The best way to water the seeds is by flooding the container from below. The two planter options mentioned make this extremely easy. For the Air-o Light, simply pour water into the hole near the soil until full.
For the seed trays, fill the lower white portion about halfway with water. Set the black tray down in. Wait until the water has absorbed into the soil. Add more water to the white container as needed.
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Keeping the lid on the seed trays will help slow down evaporation, but you'll still need to refill the tray frequently.
You'll need to add water to your container daily to make sure the soil stays damp.
Also, make sure the seeds have plenty of access to light. The ideal place for your seeds is next to a bright window indoors. It's important to keep the temperature consistent and not let the seeds get hotter than 80 degrees or colder than about 60 degrees.
Germination Time
Each type of succulent will take a different amount of time to germinate. Look at the information included with your seeds to determine when you can expect to see signs of growth.
Once you do see sprouts, you'll want to make sure your seeds have plenty of airflows, but still, keep the soil wet. If you had a lid on your starter tray you'll want to remove it.
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Sempervivum and Sedum succulent seeds after 3 weeks of water and light
Continuing care for succulent seeds
As your seedlings continue to grow, make sure they receive constant water. Once the plants have an established root system you can slowly reduce your watering frequency.
However, until their roots are well established they will need a steady supply of water.
As these seeds continue to grow this post will be updated with more photos so you can see the stages of growth.
If you want to get a lot of succulents for a very low price AND you're willing to wait for a while, succulent seeds are a great way to go! But, they do take a lot of constant care and maintenance.
When to re-pot succulent seedlings
Most succulent seedlings should be left in the original planter for six months to a year before being transplanted.
Depending on the species of succulent, you can generally re-pot after it has grown to about 2 inches (5 cm) and has a well-established root system.
If you're treating your growing container like a greenhouse, it's best to remove the lid for good after the first month so that the seedlings get adequate airflow. Prior to that, it's good to lift the lid every few days for a moment to let new air in, but don't leave it off for too long.
After replanting, gradually water your seedlings less frequently to help them acclimate to the soak and dry method and develop hearty roots.
Fungus on soil
If you find that mold or fungus starts to grow on your succulent soil while growing seeds, you'll want to increase the air circulation.
When water stands in one place for too long, fungus and mold start to grow.
To treat it, simply spray it with isopropyl alcohol. This will kill the fungus but will not harm the little succulent seedlings.