World's Greatest Magic: Coins Through Table
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An anywhere, anytime miracle that you'll perform for the rest of your life!
entering the literature of magic in the 1600's, the effect of passing
coins through a solid table top has captured the imagination of
magicians and has led to countless variations and versions. The trick's
inclusion in the repertoires of some of close-up magic's most
illustrious performers speaks to its utterly mystifying effect on an
In this volume, you'll see eight different versions of
this close-up magic favorite with different methodologies,
presentations and even finales. David Roth begins a performance and
exposition of the original Al Baker approach of passing the coins
through the table one at a time while Gary Ouellet presents Dai Vernon's
version from Stars of Magic. Steve Dacri demonstrates a version taught
to him by Slydini and refined by Vernon while John Mendoza uses six
coins rather than the traditional four and finishes the routine with an
unbelievable final production. David Roth returns with the traditional
Han Ping Chien technique for passing three coins through at one time
followed by Larry Jennings with a wonderful no-lap method. Johnny
Thompson presents his own version of the Baker routine followed by an
in-the-air transposition of three coins ala Han Ping Chien, while David
Regal presents an innovative method - and presentation - for this
close-up classic.
Passing a solid object through another solid
object has always been a favorite plot of magicians and the commonness
of coins and tables only adds another layer of mystery and fascination
to it. Learn one (or more!) of these methods and you'll be ready to
entertain and bewilder anyone at anytime with objects that are
completely ordinary and familiar.
Coins Through The Table (One at a Time) - David Roth
Kangaroo Coins - Gary Ouellet
Coins Thru Table - Steve Dacri
Coins Thru The Table - John Mendoza
Coins Through The Table (Han Ping Chien Method) - David Roth
Coins Through The Table - Larry Jennings
Coins Through Table / Han Ping Chien - Johnny Thompson
- Coins Through The Table - David Regal