Gorgeous First Edition Limoges Porcelain decorative collectible plate for Christmas 1978, #AT 718.

This one is "La Purification", the 4th in the Noel Vitrail (stained glass window) series by Andre Restieau.

Size: 8.25 inches

Condition: excellent, no chips or cracks. May need normal cleaning. No certificate of authenticity or box with this plate. 
The guarantee is stamped on the back (see photo).

Here is a translation of the artist's statement on the back of the plate:

" THE PURIFICATION:  I attempted to evoke the fear felt by Simeon, who represents the world in waiting, as Mary presented to him the  accomplishment of the promise of a Savior.  The candle held by Joseph symbolizes Christ as the light as presented in Simeon's famous prayer, 'A light for revelation to the nations, and for glory to your people Israel.'"