Daniel is commonly referred to as one of the Major Prophets. It is not given this standing because of the size of the book but because of its stature. It not only contains the marvelous accounts of Daniel in the lion’s den and the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace but also some of the most dramatic foretelling of events God ever gave. The man Daniel was a major prophet in every sense of the word. His clean life, his powerful preaching, his wisdom, his strong stand for right and condemnation of sin, his prayer life, together with the precise revelations of the future God gave to him and through him, make him stand out above his peers. And here, in the twelve chapters of Daniel, are a dozen diamonds. The literal story of Daniel’s life from the past tells us truths that apply to our lives today. These same chapters tell of God’s plan for the future and Christ’s triumphant return. Open the pages of this book along with your Bible, and discover these treasures.

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