Hanbo Short Staff of the Ninja DVD with Todd Norcross

Join Ninjutsu Instructor Todd Ryotoshi Norcross and some of The Dojo’s Black Belt teachers as they guide you through the basics of the versatile stick/short staff. On this disc: Why the Hanbo?Strengths and Weaknesses of the HanboBasic Hanbo Kamae (Stances)Several Powerful StrikesBasic Budo Footwork and Distancing Hanbo Techniques Included on this disc: Tsuke Iri Koshi Ori Katate Uchi Tsuki Otoshi Uchi Waza Nagare Dori Kasumi Gake Iki Chigai Kao Kudaki Ate Kaeshi Saka Otoshi 51 Minute Instructional DVD
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