You will receive one Karen Michelle Mango in 3 Gallons pot
Karen Michelle mango is a specific cultivar known for its exceptional flavor and appealing characteristics.The Karen Michelle mango typically has smooth skin that changes color as it ripens, ranging from green to a golden yellow. Some fruits may develop a slight blush of red or pink on the sun-exposed side.This variety produces medium to large fruits, generally oval or slightly oblong in shape. The fruit usually weighs between 12 to 20 ounces, though size can vary depending on growing conditions.
Tolerate partial sun, 4 hours per day, but they will fruit more reliably in full sun, at least 6 hours of direct light per day
Water - Water a few times a week during the warmer months and once every two weeks in winter.
Soil - Mango will grow in a wide variety of soil mixtures with excellent drainage. If your mango is going to be grown exclusively in a container the potting soil needs to be lightweight and nutritive. Start by adding bigger pieces of broken poetry (or similar) and then add a layer of crushed gravel (or similar) the soil mixture we suggest: 40% compost, 40% mulch/peat moss and 20% combination of sand and perlite.
Feed - fertilize mango spring, summer, fall. The NPK ratios on fertilizer containers list their percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in that order. Mango trees need higher doses of nitrogen when young, but after they begin to bear fruit, they need less. At that time, they need higher doses of phosphorus and potassium, which promote flowering and fruiting. Use a commercial organic fertilizer with a high percentage of potassium, such 5-8-10, for fruit-bearing trees, or apply these nutrients with organic materials. Compost is a good organic source of both phosphorus and potassium. You also can use rock phosphate, guano, blood meal or bone meal to provide phosphorus, and seaweed or potassium sulfate to provide potassium.
Temperature- Mangos enjoy average temps between low 60’s to high 90’s.