PSStore 100 White Sage Organic Herbs Salvia Apiana Medicinal Vegetable Seeds

Beautiful plant has striking silver/ white foliage and stands as a beauty in the garden. It thrives in poor soil so it requires very little care. 

Also known as Bee Sage and Sacred Sage. Other names include: Qaashil, Shlhtaay, Plhtaay, kasiile, We'wey, & Ihtaay. It is an Evergreen perennial shrub native to Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. 

Bumble Bees, Hawkmoths, & wasps pollinate the plant and Hummingbirds love the plant! 

Native Americans started the tradition of using Sacred Sage to ward off evil spirits & negative energies. It has also been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health, prosperity, and protection. Aside from its ornamental, ceremonial, & culinary uses, it is also used by some to cleanse ones Aurora as well as in Aromatherapy. A very interesting aromatic plant with history and a lot of application. 

Notoriously hard to germinate 


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