-417 Dead Sea Mineral Nourishing Milk & Honey Scented Vitamin Rich Hydrating Anti-Oxidant Non-Greasy Hand Moisturizer Lotion Cream for Dry Skin for Women & Men w/ Beeswax & Shea Butter | 100ml/3.3fl.oz

Product Description

Feel the silky-smooth moisturizer that helps protect skin from the ravages of environmental pollutants. The best hand moisturizer in Milk & Honey fragrance.

Experience the protectiveness of a Dead Sea mineral base as it combats the elements that attack your skin every day. This hand cream protects and soothes hands while improving moisture levels, specially formulated to safeguard hands from environmental and household damage. Watch fine lines and wrinkles appear reduced with its naturally superior moisturizing effects.

Enjoy an Ultimate Sensorial Beauty Experience:

🌿 SMELL: Take in the soft, subtle, lovely scents of milk and honey.

🧴 FEEL: Your hands become smoother and softer from the very first use.

🌟 SEE: Fine lines and wrinkles dissipate as smoother skin emerges.

How to Use:

  • Apply daily over the entire hand surface and massage until fully absorbed.

Breathing Benefits:

  • While taking a deep breath, inhaling deeply for three seconds, apply lotion generously. Pause, focus on your breath, close your eyes, and exhale slowly for six seconds. While inhaling again, start to massage in, and as you exhale, drop your hands, relax, and close your eyes. Repeat this process as many times as desired to ensure the lotion is fully and beneficially absorbed on the skin.

Active Ingredients:

Precious Dead Sea Mineral Complex: From the lowest point on the Earth’s surface at –417 meters below sea level, helping to maintain optimal hydration levels for the skin.


  • Vitamin A: Important for aiding skin renewal and contains natural retinol.
  • Vitamin B: Helps the skin retain moisture by creating an evaporation barrier that also protects against environmental damage.
  • Vitamin E: Supports cell function and skin health.
  • Vitamin F: Rich in Omega 6, essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Nourishing Ingredients:

  • Shea Butter: Contains a high concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids, making it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for the skin.
  • Beeswax: Fights chapped, dry skin by coating and soothing the skin, sealing in moisture without clogging pores.

Natural Plant Oils:

  • Sesame Oil: The linoleic acid in sesame oil helps the skin fight off foreign bacterial invaders.
  • Borage & Evening Primrose Oils: Some of the world's strongest and best sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids with legendary skin moisturizing and nurturing properties.
  • Olive Oil: Naturally contains vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols, which are all protective and reparative to the skin.

Experience ultimate protection and hydration for your hands with this Milk & Honey fragrance hand moisturizer, designed to keep your skin soft, smooth, and youthful. 🌿✨

🇪🇸 -417 Crema hidratante para manos con aroma a miel y leche nutritiva mineral del Mar Muerto, rica en vitaminas, hidratante, antioxidante, no grasosa, para piel seca para mujeres y hombres con cera de abejas y manteca de karité | 100ml/3.3fl.oz
🇮🇹 -417 Crema nutriente ai minerali del Mar Morto, profumata al latte e miele, ricca di vitamine, idratante, antiossidante, non grassa, crema lozione idratante per le mani, per pelle secca per donne e uomini, con cera d'api e burro di karité | 100 ml/3,3 fl.oz
🇫🇷 -417 Lait nourrissant minéral de la Mer Morte et parfumé au miel, riche en vitamines, hydratant, antioxydant, non gras, crème hydratante pour les mains pour peau sèche pour femmes et hommes avec cire d'abeille et beurre de karité | 100 ml/3,3 fl.oz
🇨🇳 -417 死海矿物滋养牛奶和蜂蜜香味维生素丰富保湿抗氧化不油腻护手霜乳液霜适合干性皮肤男女使用含蜂蜡和乳木果油 | 100ml/3.3fl.oz
🇩🇪 -417 Nährmilch mit Mineralien aus dem Toten Meer und Honigduft, reich an Vitaminen, feuchtigkeitsspendend, antioxidativ, nicht fettend, Feuchtigkeitslotion für die Hände, Creme für trockene Haut für Frauen und Männer mit Bienenwachs und Sheabutter | 100 ml
🇵🇹 -417 Leite Nutritivo Mineral do Mar Morto e Mel Perfumado Rico em Vitaminas Hidratante Antioxidante Não Oleoso Loção Hidratante para as Mãos Creme para Pele Seca para Mulheres e Homens com Cera de Abelha e Manteiga de Karité | 100ml/3,3fl.oz

Our company was created in 2016, and we specialize in selling goods and gifts made by Israeli and Palestinian manufacturers on the marketplace.


In our store you can buy Christian and Judaic souvenirs, cosmetics with minerals from the Dead Sea, Kabbalah and secular souvenirs.


We offer a wide range of products made out of Olive wood, Jewelry, Amulets of King Solomon and Kabbalah, Armenian ceramics, Mediterranean Spices.


We invite suppliers and manufacturers in hopes of future partnerships.

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Items will be shipped within 1-3 working days after payment has been cleared by PayPal. Items will be shipped by registered mail. I'm shipping worldwide. See the list of excluded countries. Shipping time: 10-40 days. Custom fees, VAX, Tax or any delay with the country regulation would be the buyer responsibility

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