Inscrutable (2 DVD set) by Joe Barry and Alakazam - DVD
Inscrutable marks the debut of one of magic's rising stars. On this
incredible 2 disc collection Joseph shares some of his prized routines,
moves, subtleties and thoughts.
Ranging from self-working miracles to the more advanced masterpieces, Joseph covers every aspect in full detail.
over 20 routines and more than 3hrs of footage you will learn some of
the most powerful, practical and seriously fooling routines even caught
on film.
Disk 1
Prediction v1
Prediction v2
Psychological spread force Simple math
They match
Spread switch
Spread triumph
Spread Strip out shuffle
Hofzinser's aces
Flow ace production
Count to aces
Think stop Subconscious poker 10-card poker stack
Disk 2
LLL peek
Centre deal
Stand up royal flush/ace selection Jazz gambling Demo
4 stop
Fair deal v1
Fair deal v2
In hands riffle faro shuffle technique
Out of this world
Matching the poker hand Memory poker
Spectator poker dealer Mental selection
Riffle strip out shuffle Table Faro technique
so often someone walks through our door at Alakazam and I instantly
know we have something special. From the moment Joe showed me his first
effect I was totally hooked! Joes magic is devastatingly fooling,
interesting in presentation & best of all achievable to us mere
mortals. I am so proud to be able to offer you this fantastic 2 disc
collection by Joseph Barry."- Peter Nardi
"Some of the best card work I've ever seen; absolutely mesmerising, bewildering and above all inspiring."- Daniel Madison
barry is an exciting new talent on the card scene, combining original
moves and bold methods with an insight into how lay people really think.
You never know quite what to expect and you will be fooled."- Justin Higham
met Joseph Barry at The Session convention. He blew me away with his
card magic. All his effects are direct, simple and clear. It was a
wicked pleasure for me to introduce him to different magicians over the
weekend and stand back and watch their faces as Joe went to work,
fooling them badly, again and again with simple and direct effects.
Erdnase himself would be proud as there is simply nothing to suspect,
let alone detect during his performance."- Quentin Reynolds
where have you been hiding!?! Your new DVD is stellar! If you want pure
hard hitting magic then this is it. A great blend of cards and
mentalism which I love. "- Ryan Schlutz