See pictures for details of minor flaws. Dust jackets have nicks, chips, tears, and creases. Pages may have dog ears. Owner's name and other marks may exist. Corners, heads and tails are bumped.
About first printings:
The Faded Sun trilogy is Cherryh's first published books, first published as book clubs. They were first published in any form in Galaxy.
Books issued by the Science Fiction Book Club that bear the imprint of "Nelson Doubleday" are first editions. Most of these were issued in the 70's and 80's, and have gutter codes: an alphanumeric you'll see me provide pictures of. These can be checked against the Internet Speculative Fiction Data Base (ISFDB), a web org. When Doubleday rebranded the book club as GuildAmerica their new books were issued simultaenously to the trade and use standard id methods.
In this set: if a book club has no picture of the gutter code, it has none. Pictures are provided of the copyright page for era and page toning data.