Dive into the world of healthcare improvement with "Zapp! Empowerment in Health Care: How to Improve Patient Care, Increase Employee Job Satisfaction, and Lower Health Care Costs." Authored by William C. Byham, Jeff Cox, Sharyn B. Materna, and Kathy Harper-Shomo, this transformative textbook is a must-read for anyone in the field of administration, education, or patient care. Published in 1993 by Random House Publishing Group, the book spans 336 pages and presents insights in a trade paperback format measuring 8 inches in length, 5.1 inches in width, and 0.7 inches in height.
The book delves into various subjects including medical self-help and healthcare delivery, offering a motivational and inspirational approach to improve patient care and employee satisfaction. With its comprehensive scope covering topics from gastroenterology to physician-patient relationships, "Zapp!" provides a roadmap for lowering healthcare costs while enhancing the quality of care. Whether you're a professional or a student, the insights within will empower you to make a meaningful impact in the healthcare landscape.