Volume I & II included in listing. Both are 1947 First Editions and are from a private collection.
IN compiling the text of these two volumes, the staff of the Radio Research Laboratory of Harvard University has followed the practice established in some recent books by which the different sections are written by separate authors, each being a specialist in his own domain. In this case the individual contributions have been welded together into a fairly comprehensive treatment of the whole field under the editorship of Dr. H. J. Reich and a group of assistant editors. As mentioned by Dr. Reich in his preface, the book should not be regarded as a text-book but rather as a reference work or hand-book which will serve as a valuable source of information to research physicists and engineers working in this field, and to future authors of text-books.
Very High-Frequency Techniques
Compiled by the Staff of the Radio Research Laboratory, Harvard University. Vol. 1. Pp. xvii + 554. Vol. 2. Pp. viii + 555– 1057. (New York and London : McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1947.) 2 vols., 84S.