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NEW Three Lollies Queasy Drops Plus Ginger/Lemon/Eucalyptus Honey 21 Count

Item Description

NEW Three Lollies Queasy Drops Plus Ginger/Lemon/Eucalyptus Honey 21 Count

Finally an alternative to traditional old saltine crackers or thick cola syrups. Great tasting, fast-acting and highly effective at combating your nausea and upset stomach with absolutely no side effects. Made with powerful essential oils of fruit and plant botanicals that are proven to help relieve nausea. Contains no artificial flavors or colors. Also makes a safe, more effective alternative to plain ice chips or gum. Each piece is individually wrapped for convenience so they are perfect to take along in your purse, labor bag, pocket, diaper bag, luggage, computer bag, briefcase or to always keep handy in the glove compartment of your car. Goes to work immediately on your upset stomach. Recommended by doctors and healthcare professionals.

About the product:

  • Made with Only Natural Ingredients
  • Made with honey and pectin for greater relief of dry mouth!
  • Doctor Recommended
  • Drug Free
  • Developed by healthcare professionals


We offer free shipping to the 48 contiguous states.

Many of our items have extended handling days. You can find this information in the "delivery" section of the listing. Please note that some products can't be shipped to international destinations. If this applies to your order, your order may be canceled. By making a purchase, you consent to these requirements and to follow all applicable laws and carrier regulations.

International Customers: Customs, taxes, and duties are not included in the purchase price and shipping charge - unless your order is through the GSP (Global Shipping Program). Please do not ask us to declare lower values on customs forms or mark the package as a gift. The answer is no.


We welcome unit purchases of the same item. If you are interested in more than one unit, please message us so that we can provide you with a offer/quote through's offer system.


You may return most new, unopened, items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Nutritional and personal care items must always be returned with the seal unbroken in order to be refundable.

If the return is due to our error (for example, you received an incorrect item) we will also pay for the return shipping costs. Please contact us to request a return so that we can help with the process and provide return authorizations. We ask that customers needing to make a return do not refuse parcels. It is best to accept delivery and ask for return instructions. This will greatly speed up the returns process, your eventual refund, and prevent your return from being lost by the carrier.

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