Minolta  X-700 Black SLR Film Camera W/3 Extra Lens and 1 extension tube and 1 tele converter  Excellent Condition. 

Everything in the photos is included. The price is because the camera is not tested yet. (I already ordered the batteries) the price will change if everything works fine. Everything included is in excellent condition, there is no rust anywhere. I'm not sure the Lenses all work with this camera because these lenses were in a box with Minolta SRT 101 camera manuals. Many manuals and various filters are also included.
These Are The Lenses Included
Tokina at-x 35.200mm f3.5-4.5 With bag 
Minolta mc 28mm w.rokkor-sg F3.5 With bag 
Minolta Mc Tele Rokkor-qd 135mm f 3.5 with bag and Box  original 
Minolta extension tube II For Minolta SR
 Everting made In JAPAN