This is a rare and highly sought-after comic book featuring the iconic superhero team of the Avengers. The storyline follows the events of the Age of Apocalypse, as depicted in the popular Marvel Cinematic Universe. The comic book is in excellent shape, with a grade of 9.2 Near Mint-, and comes with a variety of features such as a variant cover, boarded pages, and first character appearance.The comic book is a single issue, published by Marvel Comics in 2012, and is part of the US Comics tradition. It includes contributions from renowned artists and writers such as Michael Fiffe, Humberto Ramos, Stan Lee, Brian Michael Bendis, Gerardo Sandoval, DAVID NAKAYMA, Fabian Nicieza, and Jack Kirby. The comic book is in English and is suitable for collectors and fans of action, superheroes, and adventure.