The Twilight Saga Eclipse Blu-ray Kristen Stewart , Robert Pattinson , Summit

Item Description
Immerse yourself in the world of vampires and werewolves with "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse". This Blu-ray edition features a thrilling romance between Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, and Edward, played by Robert Pattinson. Directed by David Slade, this fantasy film is rated PG-13 and includes a cult-like feature. The disc is in Blu-ray format and comes in a widescreen edition. It has a region code of Blu-ray: A (Americas, Southeast Asia...) and includes English language. The case type is a Blu-ray case and it was released in 2010 by Summit studio. This item is perfect for fans of the "Twilight Saga" and those who enjoy romance and fantasy genres.
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