51.80cts Exquisite Natural EMERALD & Sterling Silver 925 Bracelet 6.5mm
Exquisite deep green Russian Emeralds, natural colour, not treated in any way.
Emerald has long been seen as a hugely powerful gem. It has a certain energy and aura that enchants the mind. From Cleopatra to Aristotle and Alexander the Great, there is so much mythology and lore stashed within the Emerald. The Chaldeans were sure the goddess Ishtar was encased within the Emerald stone, the Ancient Egyptians believed it was an amulet of rebirth and fertility, and the Incas believed it to be a stone that promised eternal life. Studded within the crown jewels of Russia, linked to the Greek goddess Venus, and even believed to be the material the holy grail was made from, there are a thousand and one stories that shine out of the Emerald.
One enduring theme that radiates from its leafy spring shades is the promise of eternity and love. Like all green gems and crystals, Emerald is linked to the heart chakra and the color green is also said to be the calmest shade our bodies and minds just want to drink in. Emerald has huge healing properties. It’s a symbol of romance and rebirth and is equally stimulating and calming. There’s a lot to love about this green beryl and for those who want to embrace the concept and spiritual meaning of eternity, Emerald brings that endless reminder, that even though all things must pass, the spiritual truth sits in a timeless being.