LOT OF 15 CHILDREN BOOKS. All are hardcovers. Very good condition.

1* Where Will The Animals Stay: 1983. By Stephanie Calmenson
2* Oakey: A Good Night Kiss: 2007. By Jillian Harker

3* Arthur's Loose Tooth: 1996: By Lillian Hoban
4* Madeline In London: 2003. By Ludwig Bemelmans.
5* The Hare And The Tortoise: 2005. By Ronne Randall. 
6* Who's Going To Take care Of Me?: 1990. By Michelle Magorian.
7* Howard's Screechy Violin: 2004. By Nancy parent.
8* Mama Is Hapai: 1998. By Chaika Piilani Hale.
9* Fire Fighters: 1995. By Norma Simon. 
10*Words from A-Z: 1999. By M.C. Leeka.
11* Shnook The Peddler: 1985. 
By Maxine Schur. 
12* Raggedy Ann (and Andy and the Camel with the Wrinkled Knees). 1998 By Johnny Gruelle. 
13* The World's Most Precious Baby. 1993 By Rita Hefty. (inscription on inside cover)
14* Alison and The Prince. 1998 By Dyan Sheldon and Helen Cusack. (sticker on first page)
15* Beasts By The Bunches.1987 By A. Mifflin Lowe  
(sticker on first page)