You are purchasing a 30 minute DVD from the Super Saints Series on Blessed Frederic and Our Lady of the Cape, hosted by Bob and Penny Lord.

Apostle of Mary
Taped at Cap de Madeleine, his Shrine in Canada

Pope Benedict XVI "Take courage! 
Fix your gaze on our saints

Trois Rivieres in Quebec, Canada is where Bl. Frederic lived and is buried. 

We learn how important he was to bringing pilgrimages to the nearby  Marian Shrine of Cap du Madeleine. 

A huge Miracle took place, known as the Miracle of the ice bridge.

Find out about this Miracle. 

Learn about the history and traditions of this famous Canadian Marian Shrine.

We tour the Shrine of  Cap du Madeleine  Venerate Our Lady at this miraculous Shrine.

The Shrine includes the original church, the new Basilica, the Rosary bridge 

and the outdoor Way of the Cross.

When Pope John Paul II came to the Shrine he said,

"Today, indeed, we come to Notre-Dame du Cap as people of our time. We come with those generations of the past with whom we share our faith in the Mother of God.  A fine inheritance has been bequeathed to you.  It has made you what you are.  And the cornerstone of that inheritance is Mary, to which your predecessors dedicated themselves.  We are here to, as it were, transfer this sharing of faith into the hearts of our generation and their successors."
"Those generations of early witnesses provide us, who are here, with our inspiration.  Courageous as the prophets, they generated faith, fanned it into flame, tended it lest it die out in the ashes of skepticism.  When we are tempted to lose our grasp on hope, it is their faith in the future which upholds and stimulates us.  Through the generations it is the pilgrims' faith that confirms the special vocation of this Shrine."

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