You are purchasing a 30 minute DVD from the Martyrs- They Died For Christ Series on, North American Martyrs- Auriesville, hosted by Bob and Penny Lord.

Come to the Shrine where the Martyrs worked in the wilds of Upper New York State, under the most inhumane conditions.

Stand where Rene Goupil was martyred for making the sign of the Cross on a child's forehead.

See where St. Isaac Jogues held up under the most horrendous torture and yet chose to return to the natives he loved.

To this day, he is considered Apostle of the Indians. See where another Martyr, St. John Lalande risked his life to go and evangelize to the natives, after he was told his only chance of survival was to stay inside his tent.


Please visit our other listing to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord.

If you have any questions please let us know.

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God bless you!


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