You are purchasing a 30 minute DVD from the Martyrs- They Died For Christ Series on, North American Martyrs- Canada, hosted by Bob and Penny Lord.

There was so much blood shed to evangelize this continent, the rivers and streams ran red with the blood of the Martyrs who died that we might this day have the Faith.

Come to Midland, Ontario, Canada, and the Shrine of the North American Martyrs, the Blackrobes, the Jesuit missionaries from France who came to evangelize, knowing they would never return to their families.

See the fort they built, where they worked, and where they died

Because of their love and dedication to the Church and the Indians to whom they ministered they gave the last ounce of their blood.


Please visit our other listing to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord.

If you have any questions please let us know.

We will combine shipping if you buy more than 1 item.

God bless you!


Due to severe weather, some packages may be delayed.