You are purchasing a 30 minute DVD from the Martyrs- They Died For Christ Series on Bls. Ubiarco & Reyes, hosted by Bob and Penny Lord. 

Go to Tepatitlan to the church where Father Ubiarco served, & was executed. Meet Senorita Mercedes, who worked with Fr. Ubiarco during his life, passing out propaganda material.

See where Fr. celebrated Mass in her home, and the tree upon which he was hung, which came to life on the day of his Beatification.

We go to the small town where  Father Reyes had his ministry, was captured by the soldiers and tortured in front of the Church.

Read the inscription on his monument and visit his tomb.


Please visit our other listing to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord.

If you have any questions please let us know.

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God bless you!


Due to severe weather, some packages may be delayed.