Fishing Hunting Beer Military Soldier Baseball Dad Football Dad Custom Bottle Opener Dad Hunter Fisherman Patriotic Patriot Sports Enthusiast Wall Mounted Gift Bottle Opener With Cap Catcher Wood Wall Mounted Dad Gift
Approx. Measurements for Various Options:
Dad Keeps It Reel: 11 x 8"
Best Bucking Dad: 11 x 6"
Dad Needs A Beer BOTTLE: 10.95 x 3.5
Dad Needs A Beer GLASS: 10.95 x 5.30"
Best Dad By PAR: 11 x 9.25"
Loud Proud Baseball Dad: 11 x 5.25"
Loud Proud Football Dad: 11 x 5"
Colors: EMAIL me if you would like a custom color for the Backing
EMAIL Me If You Would Like CUSTOM ENGRAVING On Front Plate: EXACTLY What You Would Like It To Say, NOT Responsible to any typos.

Can be mounted to a wall stud with long screws/hardware (Not Included)