Numbers 1 through 10 are our counting numbers. The truth is, children will recite numbers before they actually understand the concept behind them. Though every child is different, most toddlers will be able to count to 10 by the time they are two-years-old. At this point in time they are probably repeating them mostly by memory and have yet to understand what they actually mean. This concept is known as rote counting. Rote counting is when a child can say numbers in order, and is mostly learned through hearing the numbers repeatedly said out loud by others. That's why there are so many number songs and rhymes. This delightful needlepoint counts one through ten with twins for two, The Three Little Pigs, five stars, seven colors of the rainbow, eight octopus legs, six sides of a dice, ten toes, and more. The colors coordinate with our Whimsical ABC, so save on threads when purchasing together.

Needlepoint by Pepita
Pepita Needlepoint printed needlepoint canvas is fun for every level of stitcher, from beginner through advanced. No need to follow complicated charts - the design is printed in full color, right on the canvas. The 100% cotton canvas is durable, easy on the hands, and stitches up quickly at 13 threads per inch. Many canvases come with full-color charts and intructions at no additional cost.

Includes 45 skeins of DMC Pearl Cotton #3, plus a DMC Tapestry Needle #20.

Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description:

Numbers 1 through 10 are our counting numbers. The truth is, children will recite numbers before they actually understand the concept behind them. Though every child is different, most toddlers will be able to count to 10 by the time they are two-years-old. At this point in time they are probably repeating them mostly by memory and have yet to understand what they actually mean. This concept is known as “rote” counting. Rote counting is when a child can say numbers in order, and is mostly learned through hearing the numbers repeatedly said out loud by others. That's why there are so many number songs and rhymes. This delightful needlepoint counts one through ten with twins for two, The Three Little Pigs, five stars, seven colors of the rainbow, eight octopus legs, six sides of a dice, ten toes, and more. The colors coordinate with our Whimsical ABC, so save on threads when purchasing together.

Needlepoint by Pepita
Pepita Needlepoint printed needlepoint canvas is fun for every level of stitcher, from beginner through advanced. No need to follow complicated charts - the design is printed in full color, right on the canvas. The 100% cotton canvas is durable, easy on the hands, and stitches up quickly at 13 threads per inch. Many canvases come with full-color charts and intructions at no additional cost.

Thread Not Included
This item includes the canvas only. Thread is not included. To order a full kit, please select the option labeled Canvas and Thread.

Warranty description: 30-day money-back guarantee. You may return your undamaged product and packaging within 30 days of purchase to receive a FULL REFUND for any reason. If the reason for return isn't quality-related, the customer pays return shipping costs. Purchases from unauthorized resellers aren't covered.