American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: JULY, 1981; VOLUME 45, ISSUE 468
This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited.
COVER: "Woman with Scarf", by BURT SILVERMAN. vine charcoal with white pastel, 18 x 12 Collection the artist.

JOHN AXTON by M. Stephen Doherty The editor of Americon Artist visits the energy-efficient studio of painter John Axton in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: JUDI PARKER This Mississippi watercolorist's key motto is 'uniqueness," and she searches for this quality in both her subject matter ann the techniques she uses. Here she demonstrates, step-by-step, how she creates one of her works.

ROY LICHTENSTEIN 1970-1980: BEYOND POP, by Jack Cowart. The author, who is curator of the Lichtenstein exhibition touring the country and author of the book published by Hudson Hills Press, discusses a decade of painting by Roy Lichtenstein, one of America's most important contemporary American artists.

CREATIVITY AND THE APPLIED ARTS: AN OVERVIEW by Williaim A. Henkin. This is the first in a series of articles by the author exploring the subject of creativity. Here, Henkin interviews prominent people in the applied a to discuss the creative process involved in their professions and to de fine what it is to be a creative artist.

DRAWING THE HUMAN FIGURE: AN INTERVIEW WITH BURT SILVERMAN by Put Van Gelder. This well-known New York a rtist draws sensitive renderings of human figures. Here he outlines his approach and the techniques he uses in his "direct observation of nature.".

THE IMAGINARY DRAWINGS OF JOSEPH A. SMITH by June Cottinghum. In Connecticut, Smith uses Drawing as a medium with which to create maginary human and animal forms. In this article, he discusses how he develops his unusual pen-and-ink and sumi ink-a nd-watercolor creations.

THE WORLD OF PAINTING WORKSHOPS by Eunice Agar and Frances H. Quint. What painting workshopsare available to artists? What art supplies should a workshop participant take along? In this two-part article, Agar takes a look at the various workshops offered, and Quint shares her experiences of the many watercolor workshops in which she has participated -- in this country and abroad.

FORUM: What Are the Conditions Shaping Contemporary Architecture? An Interview with James Stirling by Lan Simmons Zelenlko.

TECHNICAL PAGE by Prof. Clifford T. Chieffo.
PROFESSIONAL PAGE By Betty Chamberlain.
LOOKING AT PAINTINGS with Bernurd Dunstun.

This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited.
Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)