The lavender plant is a beautiful and fragrant addition to any garden or home. It is easy to care for once established and requires minimal maintenance. The lavender plant is known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it a great choice for a meditation corner or bedroom. It also attracts bees and butterflies, making it a great addition to a butterfly garden. The plant is drought-resistant once established and thrives in full sun and good drainage soil. It is also a great choice for container gardening, as it can be easily moved and rearranged. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting, this lavender plant is a must-have for any outdoor space.
Hidcote Blue Lavender
The popularity of Hidcote has led to several seed-raised plants that vary from their true form. The entry describes the true strain. It has narrow, oily, aromatic evergreen leaves and bears dense spikes of small flowers in summer. It is suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging, it looks lovely lining a path. Named after Hidcote, the beautiful Arts & Crafts garden in Gloucestershire. It's one of the most popular lavender.