The HP-15C is a high-end scientific pocket calculator with a root-solver and numerical integration. A member of Hewlett-Packard Voyager series of programmable calculators, it was produced between 1982 and 1989. The calculator is able to handle complex numbers and matrix operations. Although out of production, its popularity has led to high prices on the used market. The HP-15C was a replacement for the HP-34C. The 15C used bulk CMOS technology for its processor, resulting in very low power consumption.
Type Programmable scientific
Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
Introduced 1982
Discontinued 1989
Cost USD 135 (Original) USD 99.99 – USD 179.99 (15C LE)
Entry mode RPN
Display type LCD seven-segment display
Display size 10 digits
Processor HP Nut core (1LF5 / 1LM2 / 1LQ9[1]) / ARM7TDMI core (Atmel AT91SAM7L128) (15C LE)
Programming language(s) Keystroke programmable (fully merged)
Memory register 2…66 registers (R0…R9, R.0/R10…R.9/R20, R21…R65) plus RI, X, Y, Z, T, LAST X
Program steps 0…448 lines
Power consumption 0.25 mW
Weight 113 g
Dimensions 128 × 79 × 15 mm