Landscapers Select! Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens srtricta 200 seeds
Germination 93%
Landscapers Select]! Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Stricta 200 tree seeds Fast Grow Use as hedgerow, carve to create an amazing landscape or use as a wind break. These fast growers become an alternative to fencing, fast and stunning creating ambiance to any back yard. NO PRUNING!!! NO STRESS!!! Bring a taste of Tuscany to your home!
The Italian Cypress or Cupressus sempervirens Stricta is a vigorous, evergreen, coniferous tree with
a dense, thin, fastigiate (almost pencil-like) habit, sometimes becoming broader with age.
This cultivar has dark green, scale-like stem clasping leaves that are quite aromatic.
This is a very hardy conifer able to withstand drought, mild frosts and neglect while being
extremely ornamental - even architectural. As such it is a darling of landscape architects and designers.
Stricta is the narrowest of all of the Cupressus sempervirens.
Soil: Adaptable to both light sands and heavy clays but prefers well drained soils.
Keep protected from cool winds, though it has some drought tolerance and likes plenty of direct sun, especially in cooler climates.
Maintenance: Prefers not to be fertilised or pruned.
Can be clipped as topiary, otherwise needs little to no trimming and all in all is a very low maintenance tree.
Diseases: Can be susceptible to cypress aphid but is largely trouble free.
Other Species: 20 species in the genus inc. Cupressus macrocarpa.
Comments: Varieties to watch out for are:-
Cupressus Stricta Nitchkes Needle
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