Calmvalera Hevert drops
So that you can find peace again. Well-being for day and night.
Calmvalera drops from Hevert Nowadays, many people suffer from a permanent double burden: the diverse demands of a fast-moving professional world and the various roles that have to be fulfilled simultaneously in everyday life meet their own high expectations of success and resilience. Sometimes everything just comes together and the stress feels like it is getting out of hand. Typical stress symptoms can be inner restlessness, nervousness and sleep disorders. Those affected also complain of mood swings, irritability and depressive moods. It is important to escape the acute stress situation and find peace and relaxation again.
Particularly suitable for:
Women with double stress
Women in the menopause
Pupils and students under exam stress
People with high professional demands or in a phase of grief
Calmvalera drops offer a particularly broad spectrum of effects for the treatment of various stress symptoms: the naturopathic medicine ensures relaxation and balance and frees you from nervous restlessness, sleep disorders and mood swings. It helps you to calm down during the day and to sleep well and relaxed again at night. Your body can quickly regain its natural strength and energy. Your psyche is strengthened and you can be active again in your everyday life. Calmvalera drops can also be used for nervous complaints in the menopause. They ensure that you are fit and not tired during the day, and your concentration is maintained. The liquid dosage form also offers an alternative for people who do not like swallowing tablets. The practical red cap makes it easy to take. Calmvalera drops can also be combined with chemical preparations.
Calmvalera drops contain the "Calm-9 complex", a proven combination of nine carefully selected naturopathic active ingredients (tiger lily, lady's slipper, black cohosh, etc.) that work in a natural way. The non-prescription drug is well tolerated and can also be taken over a longer period of time. There is no habituation effect - even when used over a longer period of time. Calmvalera drops do not make you tired or sleepy and are therefore suitable for drivers and people who always have to concentrate at work.