Zinkorot 25 mg tablets support the immune system in the event of zinc deficiency. It can also improve the appearance of the skin in the event of acne if zinc deficiency is the underlying cause.
Compensate for zinc deficiency early on
Zinkorot 25 mg makes a valuable contribution when it comes to treating zinc deficiency and its consequences, as the trace element often cannot be absorbed in sufficient quantities through food. There are life circumstances in which the risk of zinc deficiency increases, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding or stressful phases of life with an unbalanced diet. It is important to counteract zinc deficiency early on. Zinc deficiency can be compensated for with Zinkorot 25 mg.
Inadequate zinc supply - not uncommon in Germany
Zinc is an essential trace element that is found in numerous foods. Around 21% of women and 32% of men in Germany do not reach the recommended daily dose of zinc.
Zinkorot 25 mg gets to the bottom of the deficiency! High-dose zinc in combination with organic orotic acid helps the body to balance its zinc levels and strengthen the immune system in the event of zinc deficiency.
High-dose with 25 mg zinc per tablet
Supports the immune system in the event of zinc deficiency
Readily available for the body
Only 1 tablet daily
Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free and gelatin-free
Available in pharmacies without a prescription
A zinc deficiency can manifest itself in various symptoms:
Weakened immune system (e.g. colds)
Poorly healing wounds
Skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis)
Brittle nails and brittle hair
Reduced sense of taste and smell
Although many foods contain zinc, there are also other substances that can reduce the absorption and availability of the trace element. This includes phytic acid in plant products. Some groups of people develop a zinc deficiency more easily than others: people over 65, vegetarians, vegans, athletes, diabetics or patients with absorption disorders have an increased need for zinc. In order for the body to remain healthy, vital and efficient, the deficiency must be compensated.
A zinc deficiency is anything but harmless. There is often a connection between zinc deficiency and acne, because zinc is important for wound healing and is involved in numerous other processes in the skin (e.g. regulation of sebum production and keratinization). Frequent infections, poorly healing wounds, brittle nails and hair loss can be the unfortunate consequences.
Zinkorot 25 mg is highly dosed, one tablet contains 25 mg of valuable zinc.
Take to 1 tablet per day with liquid approx. 1 hour before a meal.
The duration of use depends on the success of the treatment.
Keep out of the reach of children!
Older people are often affected by a zinc deficiency. Due to natural aging processes, the body can no longer absorb minerals and trace elements as well.
Various diseases such as diabetes mellitus can lead to an increased need for zinc. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases can also lead to reduced zinc absorption.
People who eat a vegetarian or vegan diet have an increased risk of zinc deficiency. The body can use zinc from foods of animal origin better than from plant-based foods, as these often contain substances that inhibit zinc absorption.
Large amounts of zinc and other important minerals can be lost through heavy and frequent sweating. People who do a lot of sport in particular should therefore keep an eye on their zinc supply to prevent zinc deficiency.
During pregnancy, the body needs to be supplied with more zinc. From the 4th month onwards, the need for zinc increases, and breastfeeding mothers also need it daily. Talk to your doctor before taking high doses of zinc.
In people with chronic skin conditions such as acne or neurodermatitis, zinc levels are often lower than in healthy people. Brittle, thin hair or brittle nails can also indicate an inadequate zinc supply.
Is it true that stress can impair zinc absorption?
Stress, coffee and alcohol are classic zinc thieves. Be careful, because these zinc thieves can impair zinc absorption in the body or lead to increased losses.
Can zinc help with a cold?
Clinical studies have shown that zinc can significantly shorten the duration of flu infections. In order to achieve this positive effect, zinc must be taken within 24 hours of the first cold symptoms becoming apparent. According to the study results, the greatest effects were seen when high doses of zinc were administered.
Which other nutrients are important for supporting the immune system?
In addition to zinc, a sufficient intake of vitamin C is also necessary to support the immune system and an effective defense against pathogens. Good sources of vitamin C are fresh fruit and vegetables. However, the valuable vitamin is sensitive to oxygen, light and heat and can be lost during long storage or cooking.
If a sufficient supply of vitamin C cannot be ensured through diet, Vitamin C 1000 film-coated tablets from Woerwag Pharma are a preparation for preventing vitamin C deficiency and for treating vitamin C deficiency diseases.
Can taking medication affect zinc levels?
Certain medications can lead to zinc either being absorbed less effectively or being excreted more frequently. Possible zinc thieves are rheumatism medications (e.g. penicillamine), certain antibiotics and diuretics.
What is special about Zinkorot 25 mg tablets?
Zinkorot 25 mg is high-dose, it contains 25 mg of zinc per tablet. Just one tablet a day is enough to treat a zinc deficiency. The drug is also characterized by its special combination of zinc and orotic acid (zincorotate). The organic compound can be easily absorbed by the body.
Another advantage: the tablets have a break line. People who have difficulty swallowing tablets can simply split them.
How long does it take until the zinc deficiency is corrected?
The duration of use depends on the therapeutic success. Therefore, talk to your doctor about how long you should take Zinkorot 25 mg for zinc deficiency.
1 Max Rubner Institute (MRI), National Consumption Study II, 2008. The extra-large portion of zinc.
2 Hahn A, Stroehle A, Wolters M. Nutrition. Physiological principles, prevention, therapy. 3rd ed., Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Stuttgart 2016: 323.
3 Singh M, Das RR. Zinc for the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011 Feb 16, (2): CD001364.
4 Science M, Johnstone J, Roth DE et al. Zinc for the treatment of the common cold: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. MAJ 2012 Jul 10, 184 (10): E551561.
Zinco red 25 mg tablets. Active ingredient: zinc orotate 2 H2O 157.36 mg, corresponding to 25 mg.
Areas of application:
For the treatment of zinc deficiency, provided it cannot be remedied by normal diet.
For risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Woerwag Pharma GmbH and Co. KG, 71034 Boeblingen