Registered homeopathic medicine, therefore no therapeutic indication is given. A veterinary examination should be carried out before use.
Composition: 1 tablet of 301.5 mg contains active ingredients: Atropa bella-donna Trit. D4 30.0 mg, Bryonia Trit. D4, Hyoscyamus niger Trit. D4 each 60.0 mg, Kalium stibyltartaricum Trit. D4, Kreosotum Trit. D5, Lobaria pulmonaria Trit. D4, Lobelia inflata Trit. D4, Psychotria ipecacuanha Trit. D4 each 30.0 mg. Components 1 to 8 are potentized together over the last 2 stages in accordance with HAB, regulation 40c. Other ingredients: magnesium stearate.