Product Name : Red Sandalwood Mala in Silver Self Design Caps

Number Of Beads : 108 + 1 

Size Of Beads : 6 mm

Design : Made from Selected Pure Red Sandalwood Beads in Silver Self Design Caps


A Meditation Mala is a string of one hundred and eight beads plus the large "meru" bead. It is a tool to keep you focused and concentrated in your Meditation practice. Malas literally mean "Rose" or "Garland", or "garland from above," or "heavenly garland” in Sanskrit. It is also called the “power beads” in today’s pop culture. Malas are used by any religion and in any spiritual prayer. The Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus utilize this spiritual tool in counting their mantras or prayers. Since we are often distracted by little noises in our surroundings, a Mala will be a very helpful device. It aims to follow the breath rhythm and mantra, resulting to an attentive mind that will neither fall asleep nor wander off.