This product is a set of two distributor caps with rotor sets manufactured by Wells, with a part number of F2113. The mounting style options are screw-on or bolt-on, and the color is gray with a matte finish. The material is made of low resistance terminals and phenolic, and it is a vintage part. The product is compatible with Ford Aerostar, Escort, and Tempo L4 2.3L models. It has OE/OEM part number E1EE12106AA and interchangeable part numbers 5D1125, FD159T, 247, 27792PHT, DH390E, FC411X, FD159, FC411, and 3D1102. The product is made in Mexico and has no manufacturer warranty.

Exact item lot is shown. These are new old stock parts. The packaging was damaged in storage. For various Ford and Mercury vehicles. Assembled in Mexico. Please review our business policies in our store for information regarding returns, shipping and warranties.