I am pleased to offer from my private collection this absolutely amazing pearl medallion.
Stunning design deco style diamond medallion necklace.
Art deco style slide displaying stunning natural diamonds.
Special intricate work and black pearl.
Striking antique style pendant charm crafted in my studio.
I have designed and handmade from solid 14k white gold.
Specifically for beautiful pearl.
Do you want her to be amazed by your taste and style?
Magical design and craftsmanship will insure the desired answer for you.
Exotic art of diamonds and pearl pendant medallion.
14 genuine diamonds approximately 0.30 carat.
White GH color diamonds.
Eye clear VS SI clarity diamonds.
Perfect round pearl is 12.4 millimeters.
14k white gold.
Charm is 21 millimeters or 7/8 inch long including bail.
Bail loop is 6 millimeters wide.
It will fit a chain up to 5.5 millimeters wide.
I can adjust a bit if need.
Exotic South Sea pearls from the black-lipped oyster, Pinctada margaritifera.
More commonly known as Tahitian South Sea pearls.
These pearls are often referred to ash black.
They have a remarkable color range that covers the spectrum from light.
Creamy white and grey, to regal greens, aubergines and deep blacks.