Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: The Driving Instructor: 20 Comedy Classics "hearty laughs for healthy lives.... these will always raise more than smiles" The Driving Instructor - Bob Newhart Poisoning Pigeons & Fight Fiercely, Harvard - Tom Lehrer Kid in the Well - Lenny Bruce Nursery School (George, don't do That...) - Joyce Grenfell Max at the Met - Excerpt - Max Miller Sunday Afternoon at Home - Tony Hancock, Sidney James, Bill Kerr and Hattie Jacques Phonetic Punctuation - Victor Borge Darktown Poker Club - Phil Harris Balham - Gateway to the South & Suddenly it's Folk Song - Peter Sellers Trail of the Lonestome Pine - Laurel & Hardy A Transport of Delight (London Omnibus) & The Hippopotamus Song (Mud, Mud...) - Flanders & Swann Lets Doit (Birds Bees...) & Don't Let's be Beastly to the Germans - Noel Coward Cocktails for Two & Laura - Spike Jones Hooray for Captain Spaulding - Groucho Marx The Lion and Albert - Stanley Holloway Format: import