Johnson 0585001 RECTIFIER & LEAD fits the following models and components:
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50PLSTD 2003 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40PLSOC 2005 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40PLSRS 2004 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50PLSNF 2002 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40PLSNF 2002 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50PLSOC 2005 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40PLSTD 2003 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50PLSRS 2004 Electrical, Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TLEDR 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP SJ70TLEDA 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40JVLSIA 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70ELERC 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TLEDA 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70PLSSD 2000 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40JPLSSR 2000 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50ELEUR 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60VLSID 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP HJ70TXEUM 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50ELED 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TLEOR 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50TTLEUR 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50DTLEDC 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TLEOC 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 75HP BJ70PLEEE 1999 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 75HP J70PLEEE 1999 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70ELEOR 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70ELEUM 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TLEUA 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP J65WELSIR 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP BJ50DTLEDC 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP BJ60ELEUA 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP RJ70PLSSD 2000 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP SJ65WMLZ2 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TTLEDR 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP J65WELEES 1999 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP BJ60TLEUA 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP BJ60TLEDR 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TTLEOR 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TTLECM 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP BJ50DTLEUR 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70TLECB 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP BJ60TLECM 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60ELERS 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP SJ65WMYZ2 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TLECM 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50TTLECA 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP BJ60ELEDR 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP RJ70PLSIS 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70PLSSD 2000 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60PLSID 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60PLEEB 1999 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60ELEDR 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60PLSSE 2000 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70PLSIS 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70ELERV 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP J65WELSSC 2000 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70TLEDA 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60ELEOC 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP SJ60TLEDR 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP SJ65WMYM 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50DTLEOS 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TTLEOC 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TLEUM 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J70JLEOS 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TLERV 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70PLSIS 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70ELECB 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70ELEDA 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP SJ65WMLM 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60ELEUA 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50DTLECA 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70VLSIS 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60ELERV 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TLERS 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50DTLEUR 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TLERV 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TLERC 1994 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 60HP J60TTLEUA 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP SJ65WMYD 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP HJ70TXEDA 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP BJ70TLEUM 1997 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50ELEOS 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50TTLEOS 1995 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 65HP SJ65WMLD 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40JPLEEC 1999 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 40HP J40JPLSIA 2001 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 50HP J50TTLEDC 1996 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 70HP J70TLECB 1998 Ignition System
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WELSIF 2001 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WELSSC 2000 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPXSIF 2001 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPXSSC 2000 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPLEEN 1999 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WELEEN 1999 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPXEES 1999 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WELEES 1999 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPLSIF 2001 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPLEES 1999 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPLSSC 2000 Ignition System - 105WE Models
Johnson Outboard 105HP J105WPXEEN 1999 Ignition System - 105WE Models