In "Barney's Best Manners," Barney receives a book on manners from Miss Vera Goode. His friends question the importance of good manners, so Barney uses Mother Goose rhymes and a magical trip to Wonderland to teach them valuable lessons:

 Sharing: Learning to share toys and treats with friends.

 Taking turns: Understanding the importance of waiting patiently and allowing others to have a turn. Saying "please" and "thank you": Expressing gratitude for kindness and showing respect to others.

Table manners: Learning proper etiquette while eating, such as not talking with your mouth full.

 Cleaning up: Helping to tidy up after playtime and being responsible for one's belongings.

Helping others: Being kind and considerate to those around you.

Through fun and engaging activities, Barney demonstrates that good manners are not only important but also make everyday life more enjoyable for everyone.