The Mindpod (DVD and Gimmick) by Joaquin Kotkin
and Luis de Matos


"This would be an ideal effect to carry in your pocket and perform anytime either for friends or at a professional gig. This has a lot of potential for both close-up and even stage and I highly recommend this." -Paul Romhany, *Reviews Vanish Magazine

Two sets of cards are shown. They resemble mini iPods and contain the titles of 100 popular songs. The spectator mentally chooses one of the songs. Then removes two cards that bear the title of the selected song. The performer can instantly name the thought-of song. A totally self-working mystery. Includes special cards and further presentational ideas for close-up, parlour and stage. We have even compiled a Spotify playlist so that you can play the mentally chosen song from your smart phone.

The Mindpod (DVD and Gimmick) by Joaquin Kotkin and Luis de Matos - DVD

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