Albion is known for its high yields of large to very large fruit. The beautifully formed berries are long, mostly conical, very firm and red throughout. A high sugar content gives them wonderfully sweet flavor that delights the taste buds. It's a great berry for preserving or serving fresh. The plant grows upright with moderate runners reaching 2 to 3 feet, so it's a versatile choice for growing in the garden or hanging baskets. Resistance to Verticillium Wilt, Phytophthora Crown Rot and some resistance to Anthracnose Crown Rot makes it a good choice for organic gardeners. This variety is capable of very high yields when given extra watering and nutrients. You'll enjoy strawberries from June to September.
Largest & sweetest everbearer
You'll enjoy strawberries from June to September.
Hardy in zones 5-8
Great for organic gardeners
Immediate shipping 50 Bare Roots
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