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This door switch, also known as a safety switch, is a genuine OEM replacement part for microwaves. It is a safety mechanism that sends signals to the microwaves control system, telling it when the door is open/closed. This ensures that the microwave only operates when the door is securely shut and switches off as soon as the door is open. Over time, this switch can become worn out or damaged. A faulty door switch can result in failure to switch the microwave on/off, lack of heat, and running with the door open. To confirm that the door switch is faulty, use a multimeter to test for electrical failure. To remove the faulty switch, disconnect the wiring connectors and take note of where they are positioned. Place the new switch in position and reattach the wiring connectors to the appropriate terminals and close the microwave door to check that the switch engages appropriately.
Fits Models:
Kenmore 40180082010, 40185049210, 40185052010, 40185043310, 40180094700, 40185042210, 40185046210, 40185059010, 40180084700, 40180092010, 40180082700, 40185043210, 40185053310, 40185044010, 40185042310, 40180086700, 40185052310, 40185044210, 40185053010, 40180093700, 40185143210, 40185042010, 40185046010, 40180099010, 40185049010, 40185052210, 40180083700, 40185044110, 40185053210, 40180092700, 40185043010, 40180093010, 40180089700, 40180099700, 40185143010
Amana MW830WA, MR1031UWC, AMC5101AAB, AMC2206BAW06, MR1032BB, AMV5164BAW, AMC5143BCW10, MR6699SB, AMV5164BCB, AMC6158BAW, MW7695GS, AMC6158BAB, AMC6138AAQ, AMC2206BAS06, MR1351WB, AMV5206BAW, AMC5143BCS10, MW880RSA, MR7491G, MW880KSA, AMV5164BCW, AMC4080AAS05, AMC5101AAB14, AMC6138AAW, SRH1230ZG, AMC6158BAS, AMC4080AAW05, MW730BB, AMC2206BAS15, MW880RDA, MR1031CWC, AMC5101AAS14, MR1034CBD, MR5492W, MR1032UBC, AMC4080AAS14, AMC4080AAB05, MR5494W01, MR5494W, MW965WB, AMC6138AAS, AMV1154BAS, AMC4080AAB14, MW945WB, AMV5164BAQ, MR5491G01, AMC2206BAB06, MR6699GB, MR7492W01, AMC2206BAB, MW830BA, MR5492W01, AMV5206BAB, AMC5143BCQ10, AMC6138AAB, MR1034CWD, MR1031WB, MW880BKA, AMC4080AAB, AMC5101AAW14, AMV1154BAB, AMC2206BAW15, MR1352BB, AMC4080AAW14, AMC2206BAS, AMV1154BAZ, AMC5108AAB, AMC2206BAS00, MW5592W, MW880GRA, AMC4080AAW, AMC2206BAB15, AMV5206BAS, MR1032CBC, MW880BSA, AMC5101AAW, MR7492W, AMV5164BAB, AMV6167BDB, MR1034UBD, AMC5101AAS, AMC2206BAW00, AMC5143BCB10, AMC2206BAW, AMC2206BAB00, MR5493G01, MR1033SB, AMC4080AAS, MW965BB, MW5380W, MW840BC, AMV5164BAS, AMV6167BDS, SRH1230ZS, MR6698WB, AMV5164BCS, MW880BLA, MW735WB, AMV1154BAQ, AMV1154BAW, MW840WC, AMC5108AAW, MR1034UWD, MR5491G, MW888STB
Jenn-Air JMV8186AAW17, JMV8208BAW, JMW9330DAS16, JMV8208BAB, JMC9158BAW, JMC5200BAW, JMC5200BAW15, JMV8186AAW, JMV8166BAB, JMV8208BAB17, JMV8208BAW18, JMC9158BAS13, YJMV8208DS00, JMV8208BCS, JMV8208BCB, JMC9158BAB, JMV8186AAS, JMC9158BAB13, JMV8186AAW15, JMV8208DP00, JMC1150WS00, JMV8166BAW, JMV8208BCW19, JMW8330DAW16, AMC6158BCS10, JMV8208BCB18, JMV9169BAP, JMC5200BAW14, JMV8186AAB, JMV8208BAS17, JMV8208DW00, JMV8208BAB14, AMC6158BCB10, JMV8208BAS14, JMV8166BAS, JMC9158BCB10, JMV8208DB00, JMC1150WB00, JMC9158BAS, JMV8208BCS14, JMV8208BCW, JMV8186AAB16, JMV8186AAS16, JMV8208BCB17, JMV9169BAS, JMC9158BCW10, JMV8208BCB14, JMV8208BAS, JMV9169BAB, YJMV8208DB00, AMC6158BCW10, JMC9158BAW13, JMV8208BAW15, JMC9158BCS10, JMV8208BCW18, JMC1150WW00, JMC5200BAW13, JMW8330DAS16, JMW9330DAB16, JMV8186AAS14, JMW9330DAW16, JMV8208BCS17, JMV8208DS00, JMV8208BCS18, JMW8330DAB15, JMV9169BAW, JMV8186AAB14, JMV8208BCW15
Maytag SMH7174BC, UMC5200BAS, UMV2186AAS14, SMH7150CE, SMV9165SC, MMV4205BAS14, MMV5207BCB, MMV5201DS00, MMV5207BAW15, MMV1153BAS15, SMH7150BC, MMV5207BAW, MMW5530DAW21, UMV1152CAS, MMV4203DW00, MMV4205BAW15, SMH7175BC, SMH7159BC, MW1080STA, MMV5165BAS14, MC1015UWB, MMV5165BAS15, MMV5207BAB17, MMV1153BAB15, MW1030SB, MW1150WA, UMC5200BAW, SMH4150BD, MT1088SB, MT1044BB, MMV5207BAB14, MMV1153BAS, UMV1152CAB, MMV1163DS00, MMV4205BAW, MS1240BB, UMV1152CAW, MMV5165BAB14, MMV4203DQ00, MMV5207BCS17, MMV5165BAB, SMH7174BE, MMV5207BCW18, UMV1152CAS16, MMV5207BAQ17, UMV1152CAW17, MMV5207BAB, MMV4203DB00, MS1240WB, MMV4205BAW18, MMV5201DB00, MMV5207BAS, SMH7150CC, UMC1071AAB, UMV2186AAB16, SMH4150WD, SMH7175CC, MMV5207BCQ14, MT1066SB, SMH7178STE, UMV2186AAS, MW1135WB, MW1040WC, UMC5200BCB10, MW1030WA, MD800SC, MMV4205BAQ, SMH7174CC, MS840BB, MMV4205BAQ17, MMV4205BAS, MT1044CB, MW1030BA, SMH6140WB, UMC1071AAW, MMV5207BAQ, MW1040BC, YMMV4203DS00, UMC5200BCW10, SMH6140BB, SMH7175WC, SMH7174WC, UMV1152CAQ16, SMV9165BC, MS1440WB, MMV5207BCQ18, MMV5207BCQ, MS1240CB, MS1470WA, MMV5207BCW15, SMH7159WC, MS1440BB, MS840CB, MMC5080AAB, MMV5207BCB14, MW1245BB, MMV5165BAW, MMV5207BCS18, MMV5165BAW15, SMH7178STD, MMV5207BCQ17, SMH7177STE, UMC5200BCS10, UMV1152CAQ, MMC5080AAS, MMV4205BAQ14, MMV5207BCS, SMH7150WC, MMV4203DS00, MT1044WB, MMW5530DAB20, SMH7175WE, MMC5080AAW, UMV2186AAB, MMV5165BAB15, UMV2186AAS16, UMC5200BAB, MMV1163DB00, MMC5193AAS, MMV1153BAB, MMV5165BAW16, SMH7175BE, MC1015BB, SMH7159CC, MMV1163DW00, MMV5201DW00, MMV4205BAB14, MMV5207BAS14, SMH7174WE, MMV4205BAB17, MMV5207BAQ14, MMV5207BAS17, MC1015WB, MD800WC, UMV2186AAW17, UMV2186AAW, MMV4205BAB, MMV5207BCB18, SMH6140CB, MMV5207BAW18, MMV5207BCS14, MMV1153BAW16, MMV5207BCW19, MMV5207BCB17, MMV5207BCW, UMV2186AAB14, SMH7150BE, MS840WB, UMV1152CAB16, MC1015UBB, UMV2186AAW15, MMV1153BAW, MMV4205BAS17, MMV5165BAS
Magic Chef ME1460SB, MO1650WA, ME1280STC, MO1650BA, MO1450CA, ME1240SC, MO1650CA, MO1450WA, ME1260SB, MO1450BA
Whirlpool YMMV4203DW00, UMC5200BAS06, UMC5200BAW00, UMC5200BAS00, UMC5200BAW06, UMC5200BAB06, YMMV4203DB00
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* Items returned not in original conditions are subject to a 50% deduction or deny any credit. The part must not have any type of damage, such as signs of installation by the customer, marks, or scratch.
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