Ninjutsu Shodan Level 3 Book by Richard Van Donk

3rd, 2nd, 1st Kyu and Shodan Studies complete with step-by-step photos This Book is LEVEL THREE of the OFFICIAL IBDA BUJINKAN NINJUTSU SHODAN NO MAKI - Don't waste your time - Learn the techniques correctly the first time with their Japanese names! These training guidelines are used by Bujinkan students and instructors around the world. Level Three includes the techniques and principles of 3rd, 2nd, 1st Kyu plus Shodan Studies explained in both detailed descriptions and step-by-step photos of all the techniques required for 3rd kyu up through Shodan (black belt) level, including the Japanese names for every technique. Sections on Shihan Richard Van Donk, Soke Hatsumi and Takamatsu Sensei Special Section on Meditation and Breathing Practices with instructions Being a Spiritual Warrior Charts of the Kamae and the 16 Dakentaijutsu Fists plus the common Ninja Weapons Pressure Point Charts- Kyusho Weak and Lethal Points and Atemi Points Special Teaching Section on Kuji-in and Kuji-kiri with photos and directions Ninja Glossary Testing Guidelines, Ranking Requirements, Plus much, much more Our manuals are the most comprehensive Ninjutsu studies available anywhere and the most used reference books for Bujinkan students and teachers alike around the world!
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