An Unofficial Gamer's Adventure Ser.: The Quest for the Diamond Sword : An...
Quest for the Diamond Sword is the first book in the Unofficial Gamer's Adventure series by Winter Morgan. It is a fantasy and magic novel that follows Steve, a Minecraft player, as he embarks on a quest to find the Diamond Sword. The book is published by Skyhorse Publishing Company and is available in trade paperback format. It is intended for children aged 2-12 years.Pages are clean and book a solid, but it looks like a baby or something bit the cover
Quest for the Diamond Sword is the first book in the Unofficial Gamer's Adventure series by Winter Morgan. It is a fantasy and magic novel that follows Steve, a Minecraft player, as he embarks on a quest to find the Diamond Sword. The book is published by Skyhorse Publishing Company and is available in trade paperback format. It is intended for children aged 2-12 years.
Pages are clean and book a solid, but it looks like a baby or something bit the cover
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