"Layer Cake" follows an unnamed mid-level cocaine dealer in London who plans to retire from the criminal world. However, before he can, his boss, Jimmy Price, assigns him two final jobs:

Find Charlie: The teenage daughter of Price's associate, Eddie Temple, has gone missing.

Broker a deal: Secure a large shipment of ecstasy pills from a dealer known as the Duke.

These seemingly simple tasks quickly spiral into a complex web of deceit and danger. The dealer finds himself caught in a series of double-crosses, facing threats from rival gangs and navigating the treacherous world of high-stakes drug deals.

Key Themes:

The allure and dangers of the criminal underworld: The film depicts the glamorous and seductive aspects of the drug trade while also highlighting the inherent risks, violence, and moral compromises.

The difficulty of escaping a criminal lifestyle: Even when attempting to leave, the protagonist finds himself drawn back into the world he's trying to escape.

Trust and betrayal: The film explores the complexities of trust and betrayal within the criminal world, where alliances are fragile and loyalty is often a commodity.

"Layer Cake" is a stylish and suspenseful crime thriller that offers a glimpse into the seedy underbelly of London's criminal world.