The third and most numerous of the 1874 meat cans went into production in the early 1880’s and is identified by the pull ring on the plate being mounted in an offset position. This pattern was used during the Spanish American War and into the 20th century. After 1910, it become a secondary standard item but was still in use into WWI.

In 1874 the Infantry Equipment Board recognized for the first time the need to issue field mess equipment to the soldier and recommended a meat-can and plate combined. The report was approved and forwarded  to the Chief of Ordnance on January 4, 1875. Ordnance Memoranda No. 19, Infantry Equipment describes the meat can as two oval dishes made of block tin, one deeper than the other, which would fit together, forming a meat ration can. The deeper dish is attached a light iron handle which folds over and holds the two together.


The standard issue mess equipment for the soldier from 1874 into the 1890’s, the Model 1874 Mess Kit, or as referred to in the language of the time, Meat Can, was a necessary piece of equipment for every soldier, providing him with both a plate and frying pan.   


This mess kit retains the full form with no misshaping.  The plate/lid fits tightly into frying pan as it should and the handle closes over the set to secure it together.  The handle and ring attachment are intact and the “US” is present on the handle.  The tin plating is still present on the exterior and interior of the plate, and the exterior of the pan.  The pan shows some evidence of having been used, but nothing out of the ordinary.   


A very nice specimen that will display nicely with a Model 1874 Cup, a set of utensils and a set of condiment bags to complete the representative grouping of the mess gear provided to each trooper. 

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