Hopkins 47570 7 Blade to 6 Round, 5 & 4 Flat w/ Quick-Change Plug

Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation makes your towing experience simpler and more rewarding through innovation and value. As an Endurance product by Hopkins, this product is designed for ultimate durability against harsh weather conditions, corrosion, and normal wear and tear. Hopkins offers a variety of towing solutions including vehicle wiring kits, adapters, vehicle and trailer connectors, breakaway systems and much more. Today, more than 40 percentage of retail category sales are generated from Hopkins innovations.

  • 7 RV blade to 6-pole round, 5 and 4-wire flat adapter
  • Patented quick-change plug on the 6-pole terminal quickly accommodates both 6-pole wiring codes
  • Multi-Tow adapter provides four different trailer towing options from a single device
  • Overbuilt hinge, lid, and connector housings provide maximum durability
  • Impact and corrosion resistant
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